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Hundreds of psychological measures now exist of religiousness, spirituality, faith, and related constructs. Unfortunately, they are scattered across the published literature; they are not found in any one place. The Measures Project is an effort to build a comprehensive research library of faith measures – all of the psychometrically-supported measures of religion, spirituality, faith, and related constructs in the psychology of religion and spirituality, with reviews of each measure. We have teams of students at 3 universities writing reviews of more than 800 faith measures. In conjunction with this effort, we are currently authoring a textbook on Assessing Spirituality and Religion in a Diversified World and editing the second edition of the Measures of Religiosity reference book. $300,000 of a $1.65 million grant from the Templeton Foundation is funding our library-building and measure-reviewing efforts. We have also recently published a student-created spanking attitudes scale and are working on two journal articles on faith measures (the psychometrics of the Spiritual – Religious Orientation Scale and the construct validity of 11 measures of religiousness, spirituality, and faith).

© 2017 by Kevin A. Harris. Created with

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