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Sexual violence is a significant problem at institutions of higher education and in communities across the United States. Sexual violence includes sexual assault, rape, sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, and stalking. Project SAAFE stands for Sexual Assault Awareness For Everyone and is a student-led, faculty-driven, staff-supported group that conducts program evaluation research of campus and community sexual violence awareness and prevention programs. Project SAAFE has created programming, including dialogues, programs, a student club, a university task force, a brochure, and a week of "Heroes Week" programming during Sexual Assault Awareness Month. We then evaluated the program's effectiveness, assessed campus climate towards sexual violence by surveying the campus, its student members, and the faculty, staff, students, and administrators that comprise Project SAAFE, and are working on publishing a journal article based on these analyses. Project SAAFE also evaluates existing sexual violence programs, both on campuses and in the community, using program evaluation methods such as Appreciative Inquiry. In fact, we just received a $10,000 grant to conduct a 2-year program evaluation of a campus sexual violence awareness program at a San Antonio university. We are also preparing to conduct a multi-university faculty/ staff campus climate survey.

© 2017 by Kevin A. Harris. Created with

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