Reverend Kate R. Walker, DMin, Minister, Mt. Vernon Unitarian Church, Alexandria, VA,,, 1909 Windmill Ln., Alexandria, VA 22307
I was raised in a multifaith church and home. My father was a Unitarian Universalist (UU) minister, and my step mother still is a UU minister. I have been serving as a UU minister for 22 years. Unitarian Universalism is a multifaith church, attracting humanists, atheists, agnostics, Christians, Jews, Buddhists, Pagans and generic theists. This feels like a natural space for me and represents a broad pluralistic world view. I deeply appreciate and celebrate all faiths for each brings profound truths and wisdom for its followers. I keep asking how can we accept that while many proclaim a singular path to the holy, that does not mean everyone else’s path is not valid or hold equally important truths? Do really have to be right about our faith? We can celebrate multifaith dialogue when we can grasp “truth” is not singular; it is deeply personal, multifaceted, and subject to change.
Video: (Starts at 22:53)
